Thursday 6 May 2010

once all the objects had been put in place, this is the resulting scene. =]
i wanted to give the effect of tree tops blocking the sun, to do this i created several cylinders and placed them between the scene and a omni light, whihc was acting as the sun.

becasue of this, only a narrow amount of light could access the scene.
i needed a background for my scene, otherwise a large amount of empty blackness would b revealed.

To counter this, i created a large flat plane and found a woodlen picture, i then attached this to the plane and copied it four time (only 3 in this picture) to form a box around the scene.
This log was to be a big part of the scene, The exploding frog would sit on this through out the whole film (until the end of course)

This was created by using the tube tool.

i then editied either end by clicking the vertex's and moving them around to give it an uneven look.

The same material was used for this as the tree.
copying a past tutorial, i re-created a leaf and copied it many times and laid them out of the ground.
water reeds are to go along with the grass.

these were very simply created by using a cylinder, and the end was scaled. it was the bent slightly, and this is teh result
i wanted to add some tall grass to go around the edge of the water, i did this by using a cylinder, scalling it to make it narrow and flat.

The using soft selection and scale again, i narrowed the end to a point, and the bent it, so it was quite so straight.

i then copied it in a rotation pattern, and scaled each blade of grass so they were not the same size, random editing made the grass apear different, this was the grouped and copied several times over.
i then started looking at object that could go in the water, a lilly pad seemed appropraite .

This was created by using a cylinder, with was then flattered using the scale tool.

The outer polygons where then extruded up to form teh edge of the lilly.

A segmant was deleted to give the correct shape of the lilly pad, the exposed edges were joined together using the create tool, this tool allows new polygons to be made by connect excisting vertex's.
The next object to create was a bush, this would be copied and placed in various locatinos around the scene, the same as the tree's.

This was created with 6 spheres, attached, grouped and altered using soft selection and the move tool.

The material is of a bush texture i found on teh internet.

Some of the bushes's materials were altered to make them apear different, this was done using the diffuse tool in the material menu.
to give my tree a material, i used illitrator, and created several narrow rectangles going from top to bottom of the screen, these rectangles where of three different colours, brown, grey and a colour inbetween.

these recangles where then warps to look like the grain on a tree, the edges of the drawing would not be touched, otherwise the lines would not link up.
i know needed to create other object to be part of my scene, i began with trees.

to start with, i used a cylinder, and extruded various parts of it to form branches and roots, i did this to only the bottom half of the tree as the top would not be shown on the film.

The rest of the tree was altered to give it a less perfect shape, this was done using the soft selection tool and grabbing and moving around some polygons.

it was turbosmoothed after.
The water was made in the same way as the ground, it is a flat plane, but has no indents, instead it was slightly lowered, changed to the colour blue, and made mostly transparent.

Now i began creating the scene.
with the ground, i used a flat plane. and using the soft selction took, made a large indent in one part, thjis is where the water will go.

now, if i hide the frog from sight, and move the biped, the frog will be in teh same position as the biped, when i make it reapear.

i then put the biped inside the frog as best i could, then, selecting the frog and clicking physic and clicking the biped, the 2 where merged together.

i then re-sized my biped to be the same shape as my frog, this is becasue in teh next step i will fuse the 2 together.
i managed this by using the other 3 views, (left, front and top)

The next step is to give my frog some moving capabilities, to do this, i used a "Biped" this is an excisting skeliton for the user to use.

Now, selection my origonal frog, and clicking on "Morpher" i select the 2 copies and then delete them, now when i increase my "Fat" or "Cheeks" optinos, my frogs cheeks and torso expand, the same way the 2 copies had.

With the second copy, i selected the torso (not the arms, legs or head) and scaled it i all direction, to give the impression that the frog has gained weight.

with the first copy, i selected the polygon around its cheeks, and using soft selection and a bump of around 0.8-0.9 again, i created this.

the next step is to give my frog some actions, i cna do this by using the morph tool, i first copied my frog twice, as i intended for him to have both his cheeks and torso expand in the story.

i then used turbosmooth on my frog, this is the result.

i then created the mouth, i did this by selecting a line of polygon, where i wanted the mouth to be, and extruded them inwards.
once i had done this, i then scaled the same polygon to make them bigger to give the effect of the mouth getting bigger inside.

i then click them both and dragged them down to join with the head, this is the result.

i then put the spheres inside eachother and grouped them, calling the new group "Eyes" i then copied this new group across to form both eyes for my frog.

Then, using the soft selection tool, click a polygon in teh middle of the green sphere, and pushed inwards, to make it hollow, i then did this tio a lesser degree to the white sphere.
To begin the eyes, i created 1 sphere, and made this green, i then copied it twice, and scaled them down, so the middle 1 is slightly smaller then the origonal, and the far left is smaller still, i then coloured these in white and black.

frog and the ox

i chose the Fable "The frog and the ox"

to start with i created a sphere and amde it green.

Then using the soft selection tool, change the shape slightly to form the frogs torso.

and then using the extruson tool, created the arms and legs.

Using the same tool, i begun to make the head/neck, after this, i selected a ering of polygones around the centre of the head, and used soft selection with a bump of 0.9 and the scale tool, created the head.